Tuesday, July 8, 2008

13 - radiodiagnosis mcqs - 61 to 73

61q: a child with acute respiratory distress shows hyperinflation of unilateral lung in chest x ray . most likely cause for above presentation is ?

Answer : foreign body aspiration .

62q: which one of the following statement is false about loculated pleural effusion ?

  1. they form obtuse angles against the mediastinum/chest wall when viewed in profile
  2. they have unsharp margins when viewed enface
  3. they do not conform to segmental distribution
  4. the opacity may show air bronchogram

answer : d .

63q: radiographic appearance of pindborg’s tumor ?

Answer: driven snow appearance

64q: left cardiac border bulge can be seen in all except ?

  1. enlarged azygous vein
  2. left appendicular overgrowth
  3. coronary artery aneurysm
  4. pericardial defect

answer : a .

65q: all are seen in CCF except

  1. kerley B lines
  2. prominent lower lobe vessels
  3. pleural effusion
  4. cardiomegaly

answer : b .

66q: calcification of intervertebral disc is seen in

  1. alkaptonuria
  2. gout
  3. RA
  4. Psoriasis

Answer : a .

67q: impaired renal function is assessed by?

  1. DTPA
  2. DMSA scan
  3. MAGS
  4. Iodohippurate

Answer : a .

68q: a patient presented with ARF with complete anuria, but a normal USG . Next investigation is ?

  1. IVP
  2. Antegrade pyeolgraphy
  3. Retrograde pyeolgraphy
  4. Radio renogram

Answer : d .

69q: in cerebral angiography the dye is injected through

Answer : femoral artery

70q: disseminated small nodules with calcification in chest suggest ?

  1. histoplasmosis
  2. aspergillosis
  3. cryptococcosis
  4. coccidiomycosis

answer : a .

71q: pulmonary embolism is best diagnosed by ?

  1. spiral CT scan
  2. ventilation perfusion scan
  3. x ray chest
  4. pulmonary function

answer : a .

72q: pneumothorax is best demonstrated by taking of radiograph , with the patient in ?

  1. inspiration
  2. expiration
  3. full inspiration
  4. full expiration

answer : d .

73q: most direct and reliable roentgen sign of lobar collapse ?

  1. air bronchogram
  2. displacement of interlobar septum
  3. mediastinal shift
  4. radio density

answer : b .

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