Tuesday, July 8, 2008

13 - radiodiagnosis mcqs - 61 to 73

61q: a child with acute respiratory distress shows hyperinflation of unilateral lung in chest x ray . most likely cause for above presentation is ?

Answer : foreign body aspiration .

62q: which one of the following statement is false about loculated pleural effusion ?

  1. they form obtuse angles against the mediastinum/chest wall when viewed in profile
  2. they have unsharp margins when viewed enface
  3. they do not conform to segmental distribution
  4. the opacity may show air bronchogram

answer : d .

63q: radiographic appearance of pindborg’s tumor ?

Answer: driven snow appearance

64q: left cardiac border bulge can be seen in all except ?

  1. enlarged azygous vein
  2. left appendicular overgrowth
  3. coronary artery aneurysm
  4. pericardial defect

answer : a .

65q: all are seen in CCF except

  1. kerley B lines
  2. prominent lower lobe vessels
  3. pleural effusion
  4. cardiomegaly

answer : b .

66q: calcification of intervertebral disc is seen in

  1. alkaptonuria
  2. gout
  3. RA
  4. Psoriasis

Answer : a .

67q: impaired renal function is assessed by?

  1. DTPA
  2. DMSA scan
  3. MAGS
  4. Iodohippurate

Answer : a .

68q: a patient presented with ARF with complete anuria, but a normal USG . Next investigation is ?

  1. IVP
  2. Antegrade pyeolgraphy
  3. Retrograde pyeolgraphy
  4. Radio renogram

Answer : d .

69q: in cerebral angiography the dye is injected through

Answer : femoral artery

70q: disseminated small nodules with calcification in chest suggest ?

  1. histoplasmosis
  2. aspergillosis
  3. cryptococcosis
  4. coccidiomycosis

answer : a .

71q: pulmonary embolism is best diagnosed by ?

  1. spiral CT scan
  2. ventilation perfusion scan
  3. x ray chest
  4. pulmonary function

answer : a .

72q: pneumothorax is best demonstrated by taking of radiograph , with the patient in ?

  1. inspiration
  2. expiration
  3. full inspiration
  4. full expiration

answer : d .

73q: most direct and reliable roentgen sign of lobar collapse ?

  1. air bronchogram
  2. displacement of interlobar septum
  3. mediastinal shift
  4. radio density

answer : b .

12 - radiology mcqs - 51 to 60

51q: 45 year old female presents with fracture of femur following trivial fall. Investigations show multiple sclerotic skeletal metastasis with pathological frx of the right femur.the most common carcinoma in this clinical picture is ?

  1. ca ovary
  2. ca breast
  3. ca endometrium
  4. ca pancreas

answer : b .

52q: which of the following is the most specific and sensitive screening test for renovascular hypertension ?

Answer : duplex Doppler flow study .

53q: a dense persistent nephrogram may be seen in all except ?

  1. acute ureteral obstruction
  2. systemic hypertension
  3. severe hydronephrosis
  4. dehydration

answer : b .

54q: a young man with TB presents with massive recurrent hemoptysis . for angiographic treatment which of the following vessels should first be evaluated ?

  1. pulmonary artery
  2. bronchial artery
  3. pulmonary vein
  4. superior vena cava

answer : b .

55q: a nodular lesion on chest x ray with all of the following features suggest malignancy except ?

  1. umbilicated margins
  2. central cavitation
  3. diffuse calcification
  4. peripheral calcification

answer : d .

56q: unilateral small smooth kidney is seen in ?

  1. reflux nephropathy
  2. lobar infarction
  3. renal artery stenosis
  4. chronic glomerulonephritis

answer : renal artery stenosis .

57q: on a chest radiograph , a double shadow behind the heart , signs of aspiration pneumonia and absence of air in stomach is suggestive of ?

  1. aneurysm of thoracic aorta
  2. achalasia
  3. carcinoma esophagus
  4. peptic ulcer (stomach)

answer : b .

58q: what minimal amount of pleural space fluid is seen on x ray chest ?

Answer : 150 ml

59q: fraying and cupping of metaphyses of long bones in a child does not occur in ?

  1. rickets
  2. lead poisoning
  3. metaphyseal dysplasia
  4. hypophosphatasia

answer: lead poisoning .

60q: extensive pleural thickening and calcification especially involving the diaphragmatic pleura are classical features of ?

Answer : asbestosis .

11 - radiology mcqs - 40 to 50

40q: which of the following is used in the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer?
  1. I 131
  2. Tc 99
  3. P 32
  4. I 131 – MIBG
Answer : a .
41q: phosphorous 32 emits ?
  1. beta particles
  2. alpha particles
  3. gamma particles
  4. positrons
answer : a . beta particles .
42q: cataracts are induced by single exposure X rays of equivalent dose of ?
Answer : 2 Sv .
15q: part of the GIT involved first in radiation injury is ?
Answer: small bowel mucosa .
43q: A one year old infant is brought with complaints of difficulty in breathing with irritability. CXR shows a suspicious white opacity extending from hila to right mid hemithorax with undulating border. Diagnosis is ?
  1. no significant abnormality
  2. collapse
  3. consolidation
  4. TGV
Answer : a . I wonder y !
44q: most sensitive imaging technique for detection of myocardial infarct is ?
Answer : cardiac MR .
45q: two techniques of cardiac MR are ?
Answer: dark blood and bright blood .
46q: 3 day old premature infant presents with blood-streaked stools , explosive diarrhea ,bile emesis and mild respiratory distress. X ray abdomen shows “bubbly” appearance of bowel. Diagnosis is ?
Answer : neonatal scleroderma .
47q: USG marker of greatest increased risk of trisomy 21 is ?
  1. echogenic heart foci
  2. hyperechogenic bowel
  3. cystic hygroma
  4. nuchal edema
answer : a .
48q: a patient has calcification on the right side of the abdomen in AP view . in lateral view it is seen to overlie spine . the most likely diagnosis ?
  1. gall stone
  2. calcified mesenteric stones
  3. renal stones
  4. vertebral osteophytes
answer : renal stones .
49q: most radiosensitive tumor ?
  1. ca cervix
  2. ca ovary
  3. RCC
  4. Pancreatic ca
Answer : ca cervix .
50q: maximum penetration is seen with ?
  1. alpha rays
  2. beta rays
  3. gamma rays
  4. electron beam
answer : c . gamma rays .

11 - radiology mcqs - 29 to 39

29q: the commonest site of CSF rhinorrhea ?

  1. ethmoid
  2. frontal
  3. petrous temporal
  4. sphenoid

answer : ethmoid .

30q: which of the following is not a branch of the cavernous segment of the internal carotid artery ?

  1. dorsal meningeal branch
  2. inferior hypophyseal artery
  3. anterior meningeal artery
  4. ophthalmic artery

answer : d .

31q: which of the following isotopes is used for radioimmuno assay ?

a. I 131 b. I 125 c. I 132 d. I 123

answer : d . iodine 123

32q: what is the gold standard investigation for diverticulosis ?

Answer : CT .

33Q: what is the gold standard investigation for increased intracranial pressure ?

Answer : subarachnoid probe .

34q: rigler’s measurement and eyeler’s ratio are used to ?

Answer : to differentiate LV enlargement from RV enlargement .

35q: calcifying metastasis are seen in ?

  1. mucinous adenocarcinoma
  2. bronchogenic carcinoma
  3. PNET
  4. CNS lymphoma

Answer : a . mucinous adenocarcinoma .

36q: solitary and localized periosteal reactions are seen in ?

  1. trauma
  2. inflammation
  3. neoplastic change
  4. all the above

answer : d .

37q: 50 year old male patient with positive family history of prostate cancer has come to u for a screening test . the most sensitive screening test to pick up prostate cancer in this case would be?

  1. DRE
  2. DRE + PSA
  3. PSA
  4. Endorectal coil MRI with T1W and T2W images

Answer : b .

38q: BARE orbit appearance is seen in all except ?

  1. neurofibromatosis
  2. metastasis
  3. meningioma
  4. bupthalmos

answer : c . meningioma .

39q: the MRI imaging in multiple sclerosis will show lesion in ?

  1. white matter
  2. grey matter
  3. thalamus
  4. basal ganglia

answer : white matter . a .

Friday, July 4, 2008

10 - MRI - mcqs and faqs

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):

  1. ideal test to detect bone metastasis to only spine .( all other bones - metastasis : bone scan )
  2. imaging of pancoast’s tumor ( superior sulcus tumor )
  3. imaging of posterior mediastinal masses
  4. for all brain tumors ( contrast enhanced MRI )
  5. chronic subarachnoid hemorrhage
  6. investigation of choice in traumatic paraplegia
  7. the most sensitive and specific investigation in renal artery hypertension
  8. investigation of choice in aortic dissection
  9. in perinatal asphyxia , neurological damage can be predicted by MRI
  10. the best investigation for parameningeal rhabdomyosarcoma
  11. best choice to radiologically evaluate a posterior fossa tumor
  12. a patient is suspected to have vestibular schwannoma , the investigation of choice for its diagnosis is GADOLINIUM enhanced MRI .
  13. best diagnosis for dissecting aorta ( aortic dissection )
  14. the most accurate investigation for assessing ventricular function
  15. investigation of choice for evaluation of suspected perthes disease
  16. 40 year old female patient on long term steroid therapy presents with recent onset of severe pain in the right hip. Imaging modality of choice for this patient is MRI .
  17. investigation of choice for a pregnant lady with upper abdominal mass
  18. first investigation of choice for spinal cord tumor
  19. investigation of choice for multiple sclerosis
  20. in MRI strength of magnetic field is 1.1 Tesla.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

9 - radiology mcqs - 22 to 28

22q. what is the imaging modality of choice to detect bone metastasis ?

  1. bone scan
  2. CT
  3. MRI
  4. X ray

Answer : a . bone scan is the most commonly used imaging modality to detect bone metastasis except for spine metastasis .

23q: what is the imaging modality of choice to detect metastasis to spine ?

  1. CT
  2. MRI
  3. X ray
  4. Bone scan

Answer : b . MRI .

24q: what is the usually preferred imaging modality for lung imaging ?

  1. CT
  2. MRI
  3. X ray

Answer : a . CT .

25q: what is the best imaging modality for pancoast tumor ?

  1. CT
  2. MRI
  3. X RAY

Answer : b. MRI . because it involves the branchial plexus and sympathetic chain.

26q: what is the best imaging modality for superior sulcus tumor ?

  1. CT
  2. MRI
  3. X ray
  4. PET scan

Answer : b . MRI . superior sulcus tumor is the other name of pancoast’s tumor .

27q: what is the investigation of choice for posterior mediastinal tumors ?

Answer : MRI .

28q: what is the best investigation for all the brain tumors ?

Answer : contrast enhanced MRI .

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